Setting up the Deputy Integration

Watch the video below to learn how to setup the Deputy integration in your Operandio account.

The Deputy integration only works on the Operandio Kiosk application (not mobile application)

Summary of key steps for getting the integration setup correctly:

  1. Connect your Operandio to Deputy via Profile > Settings > Integrations > Deputy (you must have Full Administrator permissions to be able to do this)
  2. Next, in the integration configuration settings, head to the Configuration tab run, then select "All locations" and map your Operandio locations to your Deputy locations
  3. Now select the "All areas of work" and map any Deputy operational units to your Operandio Areas of Work. This will allow your employees to clock on to unscheduled shifts from your Operandio Kiosk devices.
  4. Head to the Advanced tab, and run the Match Deputy employees with existing Operandio users operation to automatically set up mappings between your Deputy employees and existing Operandio user accounts
  5. Head to the Configuration tab and select "All users" and check through the mappings, resolving any that weren't able to be aligned automatically.
  6. Head back to the Advanced tab and run the Synchronise Deputy roster to Operandio shifts operation. This will perform an initial sync of your Deputy shift roster to allow your employees to clock on to their rostered shifts. This will continue to sync in the background as you publish new / changed rosters in Deputy.
  7. Finally, to invite any users that exist in Deputy but not yet in Operandio, run the Synchronise Deputy employees to Operandio users operation. This performs an operation similar to the match operation we ran in step 4, however will also invite anyone new that doesn't already have an Operandio account. This also sets up their Deputy to Operandio mapping at the same time.

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