How to connect an external probe to your temperature monitoring sensor

Step 1: Connecting the external probe to the sensor

  1. Open the sensor casing using a screw driver

  2. Knock out the right hole on the underside of the housing of the sensor, being careful not to damage the circuit board

    We recommend wrapping some electrical tape around the drill bit to stop it damaging the circuit board. (Wrap electrical or sticky tape around the drill bit about 5mm from the end, this will stop the drill bit grabbing and damaging the circuit board) or alternatively remove the circuit board before knocking out the right hole

  3. Insert the metal pass-through in to the hole and put on the nut (see image above)

  4. Put the wires through the hole in the metal pass-through and tie a knot in the wire to stop it pulling back out, these wires can be extended up to 100 metres if necessary (see image above)

  5. Tighten up the metal pass-through (see image above)

  6. Strip back the wires on the external probe where they will be inserted into the green connector on the circuit board (doesn't matter which one goes in which side of the green connector) (see image above)

  7. Insert the wires into the green connector and then tighten them down with a screw driver (see image above)

Step 2: Switching the sensor to use the external probe

  1. Pull off the little black link (outlined in red in above image)

  2. There are three pins underneath, the link needs to be placed on the two pins on the right

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